"Then do you know that the master of Kumamoto’s wisdom has regarded you as a living sword spectrum of the six-pulse Excalibur and is going to send you to Mubo’s grave for cremation?"

God saw Duan Yu determined and seriously said to Duan Yu. The dove’s eyes looked even more shocked at the sky. Murphy this person when it’s a fairy first-class can insight into the heart? He did have such an idea, and he was just about to say it in front of everyone, because the sky […]

For example, the ancient masters, such as Mundus’s remnant heaven, such as the beast god, the demon queen, Guangcheng, etc. Each of them has sects and forces to care about, and the law of cause and effect is already related to the wild. If the wild is destroyed by Dreadwind, their lifelong efforts will be destroyed.

There are too many secrets in this, but only this invading enemy can make the wild, good and evil Jin Xian join forces temporarily, and only this appearance of Dreadwind can make the wild and various repairs die! The ancient boat, Emperor Jun, looked somberly and said, "Heaven is lacking, Emperor Wei doesn’t show it. […]

Love life and public welfare

It’s not a lifetime in vain This is the genius life completion degree of three and a half stars In the normal direction, he should become a world-famous scientist, ignoring his "photographic memory" skills. But people not only live for others, but also live for themselves, right? Chapter seven hundred and sixty-nine Middle-aged crisis Yang […]

No one knows the logic, but the bloody shura place is full of dangerous opportunities because the root method is to find out the law here, and everything seems to happen randomly.

When this happened, it naturally attracted a number of outlaws who licked blood. At first, they didn’t dare to go too far, but as more and more people came, they became more courageous and tacitly set up a minefield in Nocton. Many hands make light work, which is very intimate. Even the shura can resist […]

"When the sun comes, I fear the mirror" is extremely costly. Although Tang Xiaofeng can make himself mysterious, even when the Yangtze River and the Yellow River are cut off, the power of that knife just now is too great. His old strength has been scattered and his new strength is not yet born. He will die with Lin Xiang in the magic knife.

At this moment, a twist around unexpectedly conjured up many other Lin Xiang. Huihui Moore chopped two people with one knife, but they disappeared like bubbles. Magic? Hui Hui Moore looked around at that I don’t know how many Tang Xiaofeng Lin Xiang didn’t know which one was true and which one was a magic […]